Internship Project - 1 week - 2022

One of the task I had during my two months internship at Laerdal medical in Stavanger was to help the team set a direction for the design language of clothing for manikins.
Web Design
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.

Design strategy
CAD - Clo3D
Soft goods

Apparel for Medical Training Manikins

Internship project · 1 week
Design strategy · Soft goods · Moodboarding


Victoire Hespel
Marie Cordonnier
Pauline Boittiaux

Raphael Yrieix
Alexis Lhomme
Julie Mollon


The stake behind clothing for manikins is that it helps them to feel more human. It projects the user in a realistic scenario providing more engagement. It adds branding elements to the mannikin and conveys brand values as well as design language.


With one week ahead of me I needed to decide which piece of clothing I would design to stay relevant. I ended up designing a unisex top to give an overall idea of the collection.

Analysing the current proposition

The current clothing range lacks structure and unison. In term of materials,  color/trim direction and branding elements. Every piece of clothing is different. We’re looking to harmonize the whole collection.

On the products composed of fabric we can notice 2 dominant colors with close to a 50/50 distribution. Color accent on interactions area + white logo.

Choosing a direction

Scandinavian heritage

Going back to a more simple approach to clothing making it more about simulation than emphasizing the training aspect of the product.

Outdoor culture

The goal with this proposal is to emphasize the training aspect and add a real learning purpose to the clothing making it complementary with the manikin.

Schematic sketch exploration

Really schematic orientated sketch phase to put on paper the different concepts that emerged before going into 3D.

CLO3D Workflow

The software of choice for clothing was Clo3D.
It consist of drawing the different garment pattern and sewing them together in 3D simulation.

Power cable insert

I wanted the clothing to be part of the overall concept of the manikin. Where the power cable should be inserted is clearly indicated. An interior pocket helps storing the cable once the training is finished.

Magnets opening

The jacket should be easy to open and close to save the instructor time when training is done. The trainees will also pay less attention to the jacket opening and wasting less time.


The different colorways are indicated by a color accent on the exterior stiches. The different colors can be used to differenciate the type of manikin from each other.